Objective-Driven Aquatics Training: Get the Most Impact Out of an In-Service

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Now: $27.50
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Gareth Hedges
83 minutes
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It is essential that aquatics in-service training covers what a camp`s lifeguards andcounselors are most likely to encounter in a real-life situation. Objective-Driven AquaticsTraining: Get the Most Impact Out of an In-Service draws on lessons learned from hundredsof actual drowning events to highlight the key factors that camps should address duringtheir typically limited in-service training time. Among the topics included in the DVD arescanning, the issue of non-swimmers, and out-of-water emergency care.

Among the topics covered:
  • Everything you know might be wrong
  • Are we getting as much impact as possible out of limited training time?
  • Scanning drill
  • Code of conduct
  • Real-life example
  • What can you do?