Where Did That Member Go? Rediscovering the Lost Art of Member Service

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Thomas Plummer
278 pages
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  The foundation for keeping your members is customer service.
Service can be taught. Systems can be created that any owner can apply to his business. This book is about rediscovering the lost art of member service and then implementing it in your business. It is also about where we have failed the member, and how we should respect his commitment to our business.
  Thomas Plummer has been working in the fitness business for over 30 years. He is the founder of the Thomas Plummer Company, as well as the National Fitness Business Alliance (NFBA), a group of industry vendors and suppliers who have banded together to provide education and tradeshows to the independent club owner. Currently, the NFBA offers over 20 seminars a year across the country.

Plummer is in front of more than 5,000 people a year, through numerous speaking engagements as a keynote speaker and event host, and he also gives lectures and workshops worldwide. He has authored five books on the business of fitness, which have remained the bestselling books in the industry for over 10 years, an