Cardioprotective Benefits of Vigorous Physical Activity: The Risk Benefit Issue

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Barry A. Franklin, Paul T. Williams, I-Min Lee, David P. Swain
68 minutes
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The (5) presentations from the SelectSymposium at the 2010 ACSM annual meeting on the current data concerningthe benefits and risks of engaging in vigorous exercise are included ina single DVD. Almost two full hours of authoritative information andinsights, featuring:

• Introduction (Barry A. Franklin)
• Cardioprotective Benefits of Vigorous Physical Activity: An Epidemiologic Perspective (I-Min Lee)
• The National Runners' Health Study: What Have We Learned? (Paul T. Williams)
• Unique Physiological Adaptations to Vigorous Exercise (David P. Swain)
• Putting the Risk of Vigorous Physical Activity Into Perspective (Barry A. Franklin)