Getting the Most Out of Your Leadership Team

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Now: $27.50
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Andy Pritikin
54 minutes
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Everyone wants their leadership team and staff to function in the most optimized and effectiveways possible, but few teams can ever achieve this objective-even in the “best” organizations andcamps. This situation is often the fault of the camp's leader. Getting the Most Out of YourLeadership Team provides an overview of the amazingly insightful Lencioni model for transformingcommunication and teamwork into extraordinary, practical results. The DVD details severalamazingly clear concepts, language, and tools that can be used to take a leadership team to thenext level.

Among the topics covered:
  • Dysfunction #1-absence of trust
  • Dysfunction #2-fear of conflict
  • Dysfunction #3-lack of commitment
  • Dysfunction #4-avoidance of accountability
  • Dysfunction #5-inattention to results
  • Results