Weight-Loss Wizardry: Can You Believe the Magic?

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Laura J. Kruskall
29 minutes
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Numerous weight-loss products and supplements are currently available on the market that claim to burn fat effortlessly, thereby melting unwanted pounds away. Weight-Loss Wizardry: Can You Believe the Magic? examines the claims and scientific support of many of these weight-loss supplements. Featuring a breakout session at the 2009 ACSM Health & Fitness Summit, the DVD provides basic information on the efficacy and safety of these products.

Among topics covered:
  • Components of a Sound Weight-Loss Program
  • Claims and Efficacy of Some Popular Diet Plans
  • So Many Diets, So Many Products…What Works?
  • Claims, Efficacy, and Safety of Some Popular Weight-Loss Supplements