2008 ACSM Annual Meeting - Select Symposium - Structural Versus Functional Vascular Adaptation to Exercise in Humans

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American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
53 minutes
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The (3) presentations from the Select Symposium at the 2008 ACSM annualmeeting on the relationship between exercise and vascular structure andfunction are included on a single DVD. Almost two hours of authoritativeinformation and insights, featuring:
  • History of Measures of Vascular Structure and Function in Humans (Michael J. Joyner)
  • Structural and Functional Vascular Adaptations to Exercise Training in Human Conduit and Resistance Vessels (Daniel J. Green)
  • Coronary Adaptations to Exercise (Dirk J. Duncker)
Produced in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine.