A Drug Called Exercise

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Robert Sallis, Barry Franklin, Steven Blair, Nico Pronk
71 minutes
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Four renowned professionals are featured in this two-hour session that explores the impactof engaging in physical activity on a regular basis on health. A Drug Called Exercise looks atthe benefits of exercise, as well as its potential risks. The DVD also discusses the economicrepercussions of exercise. In addition, the DVD reviews several of the factors that physiciansneed to consider when prescribing exercise to their patients.
  • Exercise benefits: what is theefficacy? (Steven N. Blair)
  • Aerobic center longitudinal study
  • Is mortality risk reduced by weightloss and increasing fitness inmiddle-aged men?
  • Muscular strength and health
  • Exercise risks: putting them intoperspective (Barry A. Franklin)
  • Metabolic complications
  • Cardiovascular complications
  • Exercise: too much of a good thing?
  • Strategies to potentially reduce therisk of exercise
  • Conclusion
  • Cost effectiveness: comparing exerciseto pills and procedures (Nico Pronk)
  • What actually saves money?
  • Claims cost distribution
  • Prescribing exercise in a bus clinicalpractice (Robert Sallis)
  • Why has the medical communityneglected physical activity as atreatment?
  • What can busy physicians do toencourage physical activity?
  • So what kind of physician doyou want to be?