That's Not Cardio…Is It?

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Scott Hopson
51 minutes
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That's Not Cardio…Is It? is designed for individuals who tend to find cardio boring, ineffective, and impractical. Cardiorespiratory training is a huge part of the fitness routine for most exercisers, but it is almost exclusively confined to treadmills, bikes, steppers, and elliptical trainers. This DVD offers an alternative to that scenario and explores creative energy-system development (cardio) techniques for everyone, with hands-on components, using RAQS (reactive, agility, quickness and speed) and games. The DVD explains how exercisers can both laugh and sweat (a lot)… and not a treadmill in sight.

Among topics covered:

• Typical methods of energy system development
• Core training
• Reactive training
• Integration