The Summer Camp MBA: 50 Leadership Lessons From Camp to Career

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Matthew Kaufman
104 pages
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Are you looking for a way to advance your career? The Summer Camp MBA (revised edition) presents 50 quick and straightforward strategies for improving your leadership abilities.

An experienced summer camp veteran, Matthew Kaufman shows how leadership lessons from camp can become your guide to success in whatever career you choose.

Whatever your age, background, or industry, whether you’re a recent graduate or the leader of a large team, The Summer Camp MBA can help jumpstart your leadership journey.

The Summer Camp MBA will help you:

  • Have a deeper insight into the key principles and concepts inherent in sound leadership.
  • Build habits that will make you a more successful manager.
  • Develop a better understanding in your colleagues of what qualities are essential to being a good team member.
  • Learn from the accomplishments, challenges, and failures of successful individuals.
  • Understand why working at summer camp makes a person so much more likely to succeed in their chosen career.

About the Author

Matthew Kaufman has spent over 35 summers at camp. He holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University. Having worked in both the “corporate world” and the “camp world,” he believes that lessons taught in camp are the secrets to developing a successful business career.