Across the world a significant number of individuals, including many fitness professionals, are attempting to adhere to a plant-based diet in order to achieve the healthiest lifestyle possible. Some people, however, are struggling with ways to implement this goal, without disrupting or complicating their lives. Vegecipes details healthy recipes that can help make the lives of these individuals easier. The DVD explains how to add nutritional value by simplifying popular recipes and incorporating delicious substitutes for their favorite ingredients in most foods.
Among Topics Covered:
• Nutrification
• Prioritizing foods
• Food groups
• Health-damaging foods
• Equipment for a healthy kitchen
• Constructing a meal
• Ahhh… the green smoothie
• Sample meals
Among Topics Covered:
• Nutrification
• Prioritizing foods
• Food groups
• Health-damaging foods
• Equipment for a healthy kitchen
• Constructing a meal
• Ahhh… the green smoothie
• Sample meals