Weighing in on Obesity Bias: Research and Practice in Physical Activity

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Christy Greenleaf, Mitch Barton, Rebecca I. Pearl, Heather Chambliss, Raul Rukavina
89 minutes
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Weighing in on Obesity Bias: Research and Practice in Physical Activity provides a conceptual overview of the negative impact that weight bias can have on individuals who have a fat, larger body. The DVD explores the extent of such bias and discusses how the stigma associated with obesity manifests itself in various settings, particularly in the exercise arena. In that regard, the DVD details several practical strategies for promoting weight- and size-friendly physical activity.

Among the topics covered: 

• Obesity bias and physical activity: a conceptual overview (Christy Greenleaf) 
• Social realities of weight bias 
• Health and fitness settings 
• Weight stigma, the media, andattitudes towards exercise(Rebecca I. Pearl) 
• Obesity bias in exercise sciencestudents (Paul Rukavina) 
• Relation between weight actions, weight-based teasing, physical self- concept, and physical fitness in adolescent boys and girls (Mitch Barton) 
• Practical strategies for promoting weight- and size-friendly physical activity (Heather Chambliss) 
• Health: is too much weight given to weight?