Exercise Behavior Change: From the Inside Out

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Jay Kimiecik
52 minutes
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Exercise Behavior Change: From the Inside Out provides a detailed overview of the “intrinsic exerciser” and the importance of this concept for long-term behavior change. The DVD explains how physically inactive people are more likely to become regular exercisers by focusing on specific intrinsic factors. Dr. Kimiecik also offers several strategies/recommendations for health/fitness to develop intrinsic exercisers.

Among the topics covered:
  • Description of “outside in”
  • Explanation of why “outside in” doesn't work
  • Examples of “outside in”
  • Understanding the relationship between motivation and “inside out”
  • Intrinsic mindset
  • Flow and inner synergy
  • Examples of “inside out”
  • Turning people on to “inside out”
Produced in cooperation wiht the American College of Sports Medicine.