Is Your Personal Training Program Hurting Your Retention and Driving Your Members Away?

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Now: $27.50
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Kevin Hedley
66 minutes
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Is YourPersonal Training Program Hurting Your Retention and Driving YourMembers Away? explores the fact that club owners and managersshould look deeper into what's occurring in their facilities and try tounderstand why the level of member retention is not improving. The DVDexplains why club management should think outside the box about thingsthat are going on in the industry and why the feelings of the clubmembers and their perceptions about personal training should beascertained. The DVD also offers recommendations concerning how personaltraining programs should be handled, both currently and in the future.

Among topics covered:
  • Health club survey
  • What are your members saying?
  • Where do members get advice?
  • Recommendations and next steps
  • Service and support for non