45 Years as Team Physician: Lessons From the Laboratory, Operating Room, and Playing Field

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Now: $27.50
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John Bergfeld
93 minutes
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45 Years as Team Physician: Lessons From the Laboratory, Operating Room, and Playing Field features one of the most respected professionals in the field of sports medicine, using words and slides, to recount his journey through the classrooms, the laboratories, the clinics, the training rooms, and the playing fields that he has traveled. The DVD explores the evolution of the field of sports medicine`s understanding of common orthopaedic-related problems of the knee and the possible role of surgery in addressing those problems. The DVD also implores the need for sports to be returned to the players given the epidemic of over-use injuries and the under emphasis on sport specialization.

Among the topics covered:
  • 1970s: the PCL was considered the keystone of the knee
  • What is clear
  • How do we differentiate between isolated PCL, PCL combined, and capsuloligamentous injures?
  • Postulate
  • What structure is responsible for this sign?
  • Hypothesis
  • Evidence laboratory based surgery
  • Beware of the deadly orthopaedic sports medicine triad
  • Ejnar Eriksson Wolfe lecture
  • Team physician
  • Return the game to the players!