Beyond Safe Environment to Youth Engagement

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Now: $27.50
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DD Gass, Kim Summers, Susan Bencke, Deb Bialeschki
124 minutes
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For the past few summers, Camp Fire Camps across the country have field-tested the Camp Program Quality Assessment (C-PQA) process. The C-PQA is an observational tool that helps camps assess the types of camp interactions and experiences that contribute to youth development. Beyond Safe Environment to Youth Engagement details how Camp Fire directors are using quality discussions with camp staff at all levels to improve youth engagement. The DVD explains how camps can initiate and implement the program quality improvement process.

Among the topics covered:
  • What is a quality developmental experience?
  • Camp PQA pyramid of quality
  • Form A: program-offering observation
  • Form A2: informal climate
  • Form B: camp structure and administration
  • Camp PQA short-form components
  • Camp Fire program quality intervention
  • Program quality staff development