Clinical Applications of Travell & Simon's Trigger Point Techniques©

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Peggy A. Houglum
63 minutes
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Several theories, techniques, and applications exist that have evolved over time with regard to the treatment of soft-tissue injuries. In reality, application of manual techniques is a commonly used method of relieving trigger points and restoring function. Although a variety of techniques used to treat these tender points have been developed, Clinical Applications of Travell & Simon's Trigger Point Techniques© provides an overview of the Travell and Simon trigger point techniques. The DVD discusses the theory of their technique's impact on trigger points, as well as presents examples of more common trigger points seen in active individuals including their locations and how to effectively treat these trigger points and prevent their recurrence is outlined.

Among the topics covered:

• Direct vs. indirect techniques
• Muscle trigger point findings
• Electrodiagnostic investigation of trigger points
• Histopathological investigation of trigger points
• Integrated hypothesis of trigger points
• Trigger point treatment
• Trigger points and exercise
• Common trigger points
• Summary of trigger point Rx resolution