Connecting the Dots: How to Build a Breakthrough Business

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Now: $27.50
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Rick Stollmeyer
43 minutes
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Connecting the Dots: How to Build a Breakthrough Business explores what it takes to develop a business from the ground up. The DVD highlights the “dots” that every entrepreneur needs to “connect” before a business can truly break through the barriers to success. The DVD details the factors that make a business, as well as points out the key elements that enable it to stand out and be successful. In that regard, the DVD emphasizes the fact that a breakthrough business is values-driven.

Among the topics covered: 

• Know yourself 
• Understand how the world works 
• Practice conscious leadership 
• Understand what makes a business 
• Understand what makes a breakthrough business 
• Breakthrough businesses have a purpose greater than themselves 
• Breakthrough business have exceptional culture 
• What are your core values?