Construction Projects at Camp: Start to Finish and Everything In Between

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Now: $27.50
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Dan Denov
85 minutes
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Construction Projects at Camp: Start to Finish and Everything In Between provides anoverview of a complete construction project at camp-from initial construction plansthrough each subsequent phase of the process. Featuring a slide presentation, legal andoperational form handouts, and a glossary of key terms, the DVD is a resource for campstaff who want to understand what to expect, how to talk to contractors, and how to getwhat they want with their construction projects. The DVD also addresses different optionsfor completing a project, including camps acting as their own general contractors, turn-keycontracting, and cost-saving combinations of the two alternatives.

Among the topics covered:
  • Introduction to a construction project
  • Costs
  • Approvals
  • Contactors
  • Insurance
  • Safety
  • Inspections
  • Records and files
  • Construction slide show