Fit and Stressed: A Survival Guide

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Now: $27.50
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Pamela Peeke
67 minutes
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Fit and Stressed: A Survival Guide provides health/fitness professionals with an overview of practical tools and techniques that they can use to stay mentally and physically fit while taking care of others. The challenge of coaching others on their fitness journey is to offer your energy and wisdom and to balance this offering with ways to renew your own. Caring without balance is detrimental to your health. Learning to care WITH balance is what this DVD is all about.

Among the topics covered:
  • Death and dying in America
  • Disorders associated with dysregulation of the stress system
  • How do you feel when you are under stress?
  • Anger kills
  • Depression kills
  • Stress and brain function
  • Survival skills

Produced in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine.