How Green Is Your Camp? Integrating Sustainable Practices

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Now: $27.50
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Elizabeth Iszler
65 minutes
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How Green Is Your Camp? Integrating Sustainable Practices explains how tointegrate green and sustainable principles in the design of camps. In that regard,the DVD provides several examples of key factors that camps should consider. TheDVD also looks at the value of employing a holistic design strategy (consider thesite and the building together) when creating a camp. In addition, the DVD offerstips and strategies that can enhance the level of green and sustainable practices incamp involving materials, resources, maintenance, and operations. The DVD alsodiscusses the fact that green practices provide ongoing educational opportunities.

Among the topics covered:

• Effective approaches
• Holistic design strategy
• Case studies
• Conservation of materials and resources
• Maintenance and operations
• Educational opportunities
• Hot topics
• Resources