Investing in a More Competent and Competitive YOU!

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Now: $27.50
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Deb Bialeschki, Barry A. Garst
84 minutes
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In reality, most camp professionals are stretched for time and dollars to stay up on the information and skills that are needed in today's world. On the other hand, most savvy individuals are aware of the fact that maintaining a strong knowledge base and applicable skills and documenting learning activities are important factors in achieving productivity, relevance, competitiveness in the marketplace. Investing in a More Competent and Competitive YOU! is a resource for camp staff that details learning options that can enhance the staff's level of competencies, improve the quality of their programs, and heighten the degree of outcomes that participants in their programs achieve.

Among the topics covered:

• A new era of professional development
• Variety 
• Intentionality 
• Continuity 
• Collaboration 
• Verification 
• Steps for designing your professional development plan 
• ACA professional development resources