Managing Your Personal Training Business: The Metrics for Success!

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Tim D. Keightley
59 minutes
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Managing Your Personal Training Business: The Metrics for Success! discusses the importance of health/fitness clubs determining the vision and strategy underlying their personal training business. The DVD also points out the fact that organizations need to identify what they want and need to obtain from their personal training efforts, as well as the metrics that will drive them to success. As such, facilities should pinpoint the gaps that may exist between their current and future business. In that regard, clubs need to ascertain what they must ask of themselves and their staff.

Among the topics covered: 

• What is in a vision and how do we create one? 
• Clarity of a vision 
• Clarify: how do you determine the metrics to your success? 
• Determine the metrics and KPI's that lead to your successful vision and purpose 
• Elevating your results 
• Metrics for success 
• KPI's - examples 
• Metrics & KPI's for your personal trainer 
• Tim's advice for you