Marathon Running and Cardiovascular Health: The Risk-Protection Paradox

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Now: $27.50
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Barry A Franklin
62 minutes
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Marathon Running and Cardiovascular Health: The Risk-Protection Paradox provides a historical overview of the evolution of marathon running, with specific reference to the pathophysiologic mechanisms that underline exertionrelated acute cardiac events. The DVD also discusses the absolute and relative risks of marathon running. In addition, the DVD looks at the values of routine exercise testing prior to participation, AED accessibility, CPR-trained staff, and prophylactic practices (e.g., pre-race aspirin administration).
Among the topics covered:

• Phidippides: case study
• Cardioprotection benefits
• Marathon running and “immunity to heart disease”
• Putting the risk of training/competition into perspective
• Phidippides cardiomyopathy: cardiac effects of marathon running
• Preliminary screening: recommendations
• Strategies to reduce the likelihood of cardiac events