Medical Considerations for the Underperforming Adolescent Female Athlete

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Now: $27.50
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Mark Halstead
84 minutes
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A number of issues can cause the adolescent female athlete to underperform. Medical Considerations for the Underperforming Adolescent Female Athlete discusses how to appropriately recognize and evaluate these factors, including several of the most common problems, such as iron deficiency, overtraining, hypothyroidism, and the female athlete triad. The DVD explores the role of the athletic trainer in assisting in the recognition of these issues and provides evidence-based strategies for reducing the likelihood of an adolescent female to underperform from a medical condition.

Among the topics covered:

• Underperforming
• Iron deficiency
• Thyroid disorders
• Female athlete triad
• Overtraining syndrome
• Mental health issues
• Sleep
• Burnout
• The role of the athletic trainer for underperforming athlete