Motivating Struggling Counselors and When to Fire Them

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Now: $27.50
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Jonathan Shirley
44 minutes
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Almost every camp has staff members who struggle. Sometimes, a camp can motivate these individuals to succeed, but on occasion, a camp may have to make a tough decision and let a staff member go. Motivating Struggling Counselors and When to Fire Them discusses how camps can push subpar counselors to elevate their job performance. In turn, the DVD will also review when camps should let go of a particular staff member, how to go about that, how to discharge, and also how to relay that information to parents, campers, and staff in an appropriate manner. In addition the DVD details how to keep counselor morale high, as well as explains how to prevent a few bad counselors from bringing the group down.

Among the topics covered:

• Understanding underperforming counselors
• Ability issue
• Criteria for firing
• Before firing
• The firing
• What's next?
• Aftermath