Pre- and Post-Natal Mat Workshop

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Cecile LeMoine Bankston
78 minutes
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In response to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology(ACOG) recommendation of exercising during pregnancy, more andmore women are choosing Pilates as their program of choice.Pre- and Post-Natal Mat Workshop, features Cecile LeMoineBankston, mother of four, including twins, who presents an overviewof how to utilize Pilates as an exercise mode when working with bothpre- and post-natal women. The DVD covers appropriate medicalguidelines for working with this unique population, as well ascommon problems during and after pregnancy, and how to deal withthem. The DVD details how fitness professionals can keep theirpre-natal clients fit all the way through pregnancy in a safe andeffective manner, and how to get their post-natal clients back tolooking great as quickly as possible.

Among the topics covered:
  • Lecture
  • Mat and magic-circle exercises
  • Standing work
  • Stretches