Pre-Exercise Screening for Health/Fitness Facilities

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Now: $27.50
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William G. Herbert
69 minutes
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The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association have strongly recommended pre-exercise screening for adults who want to start moderately vigorous exercise. Pre-Exercise Screening for Health/Fitness Facilities provides a stepwise plan for gathering information relevant to proper screening and the content is correlated to these ACSM/AHA recommendations. If used along with the ACSM/AHA recommendations, the guidelines presented in the DVD give health/fitness professionals an invaluable resource concerning how to effectively screen clients who want to participate in moderately vigorous exercise.

Among the topics covered:
  • Reasons to be concerned about screening
  • Understanding, according to professional guidelines, which clients should be screened
  • Using a risk/benefit model in reaching decisions in health/fitness screening
  • The health history and physical activity history
  • Review of possible exertional signs/symptoms
  • When to refer a client for evaluation by a personal physician or other health-care provider
Produced in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine.