Whole Body Vibration: Shaking out the Evidence

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American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
62 minutes
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The (4) presentations from the Select Symposium at the 2009 ACSM annualmeeting on the applications and implications of whole body vibration areincluded on a single DVD. The DVD examines the evidence-based claimsconcerning whole body vibration and reviews the potential applications of thistraining technique. Almost two hours of authoritative information and insights,featuring:
  • The Evidence base for the Effect of Whole Body Vibration on the Skeleton (Stefan Judex)
  • Vibration Training: Neuromuscular Benefits (Joseph F. Signorile)
  • Other Biological Effects of WBV and Novel Applications (Belinda R. Beck)
  • Biological Risk of Whole Body Vibration (Kristine Krajnak)