The lumbo-pelvic area of the human body has 29 muscles. Twokey issues involving this area are what lumbo-pelvic dysfunctionis and what causes lumbo-pelvic pain. In turn, the question arisesconcerning how much does pregnancy, lower-back pain, or external/internal hip rotation contribute to this dysfunction? Women and theLumbo-Pelvic Puzzle uncovers techniques that are designed to assessfunction and determine muscular imbalance in this complex regionof the body. The DVD provides a resource for trainers that featuresskillful tools that they can immediately use with their female clients.
Among the Topics Covered:
Among the Topics Covered:
- What is lumbo-pelvic dysfunction?
- Hypermobile
- Hypomobile
- Overactive psoas muscle
- Lordosis and kyphosis
- Flat back
- Sciatica
- Sacroiliac joint
- Tight hamstrings
- Tight IT (iliotibial) bands