Working with Differences: You Are My Reflection, and I Never Looked So Good!

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Niambi Jaha-Echols
40 minutes
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Working With Differences: You Are My Reflection, and I Never Looked So Good! explores the fact that people are all interconnected, and the only thing that separates one individual from another is that person's physical body. The DVD points out that once people understand that fact, they will be better able to work together more effectively, as well as be better able to communicate with each other. The DVD also details five commonsense strategies for helping individuals work out their differences with each other.

Among the topics covered:

• You are me, cleverly disguised as you
• There but for the grace of God go I
• Are you afraid of your own shadow?
• Working with differences
• Stay/get spiritually grounded
• Be authentic: tell the truth
• Know your triggers
• Develop your compassion
• Be inspired