201 Nature and Human Nature Activities

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Joel Goodman, Clifford E. Knapp
175 pages
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This book contains a gazillion time-tested ways (give or take a couple quadrillion) to put into practice the thought-full ideas behind the current volume. Parents, teachers, and camp staff will find oodles of engaging, enjoyable, entertaining, encouraging, enticing, educational exercises exploring the connection between nature and human nature. With a balance of outdoor and indoor invitations to connect with the natural environment and to connect with others, you will find a treasure trove of individual, small group, and large group activities along with guidelines for how participants can get the most out of these activities. You will discover practical humanistic education strategies to help people of all ages in schools, camps, youth groups, religious institutions, YMCA's, adult education, families, and other settings to: promote mindfulness, awareness, and respect for nature and the environment; develop communication skills; build a sense of community; clarify personal, social, and environmental values; and nurture self-esteem. As icing on the cake, this book will leave you laughing… and thinking… about important environmental issues through John McPherson's internationally-syndicated Close to Home cartoons.
This book artfully weaves together activities that expand our consciousness of ourselves and of the natural world around us at the same time. It is more than a gold mine of ideas, new perspectives, and practical methods. It is really six or seven books disguised as one. The book contains more activities than you could ever use in two years of teaching or in a lifetime of camp experiences. I am both amazed and impressed at the depth and breadth of what Joel and Cliff know and share with us in this book.
Jack Canfield
Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
Author, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Dr. Clifford Knapp and Dr. Joel Goodman have written two books that truly “cover all the bases” in humanizing environmental education. They are thorough, useful, and always puts the child's highest good- body, mind, and soul- first. I feel that the books will play an important role in helping us to lovingly encourage the child's awareness of and enthusiasm for nature and human nature.
Joseph Cornell
Founder and President, Sharing Nature Worldwide
Nature Awareness Educator and Author
Cliff Knapp and Joel Goodman are masters at offering creative and accessible ways to connect with ourselves, people of varied life experiences, and the natural world that sustains us all. They are wise yet playful, engaged and engaging. Their insights and practical suggestions will enrich and enhance your life.
Cheryl Charles, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, President and CEO Emerita of the Children & Nature Network
Since the American Camp Association first published this cutting-edge book, ACA has supported nature and human–nature programs in camps. Camp leaders and campers will welcome this updated and expanded edition divided into two books. The books are filled with thought-provoking ideas on why we should humanize our camp programs along with a wealth of unique, stimulating, active, and interactive activities that are sure to engage campers and students.
Tom Rosenberg
President and CEO, American Camp Association