Acute and Chronic Responses to Concentric and Eccentric Exercise

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Marco V. Narici et al
30 minutes
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Acute and Chronic Responses to Concentric and Eccentric Exercise explores the fact that theforces developed by the two types of muscular contractions are substantially differentbetween each other. Featuring four internationally renowned health/fitness professionals,the DVD outlines and reviews several of the differences that exist, from an acute andchronic perspective, between concentric and eccentric exercise.
  • Molecular and cellular responses to acuteand chronic eccentric exercise (HansHoppeler)
  • Muscle function
  • Structural remodeling of human skeletalmuscle with concentric and eccentrictraining (Marco Narici)
  • Hypertrophy of pinnate muscle
  • Neural control of eccentric and concentriccontractions: functional implications andeffects of resistance training (Per Aagaard)
  • Spinal motorneuron excitability assessedby recording of evoked spinalmotorneuron responses
  • The effect of resistive exercise onmuscle carbohydrate and proteinmetabolism (Nicholas A. Burd)
  • Current thesis