Building Courage and Strength in Youth-Part #3: Respectful Discipline

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Steven Van Bockern
42 minutes
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When children act up and out with inappropriate behavior, it is often an indication that their needs of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity are not being met. Caring adults can help children meet their needs by learning to respond to what can be called pain-based behavior rather than react with more pain. Punishment seldom produces long-term change in behavior. Building Courage and Strength in Youth-Part #3: Respectful Discipline explains basic management techniques, as well as an intervention strategy that adults can employ to help guide and empower youth to pathways of respect and responsibility.

Among the topics covered:
  • Learning objectives
  • Pain-based models of discipline
  • Discipline compared to punishment
  • Managing behavior
  • The three possible outcomes of a crisis
  • An intervention model