Drive Growth and Retention With Group Fitness

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Now: $27.50
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Phillip Mills
51 minutes
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DriveGrowth and Retention With Group Fitness explains why thehealth/fitness club industry needs to make a transformational change toaddress three of the primary obstacles to success it is facing: the needto be more fun, the need to be more social, and the need to handle theholistic health challenge confronting the world. The DVD examines therole of group fitness in this regard and details how group fitness canenhance member loyalty. The DVD also reviews what it takes to become aworld-class, group exercise club, outlining the eight key elements of achampionship training plan for developing and maintaining an exceptionalgroup fitness program.

DriveGrowth and Retention With Group Fitness explains why thehealth/fitness club industry needs to make a transformational change toaddress three of the primary obstacles to success it is facing: the needto be more fun, the need to be more social, and the need to handle theholistic health challenge confronting the world. The DVD examines therole of group fitness in this regard and details how group fitness canenhance member loyalty. The DVD also reviews what it takes to become aworld-class, group exercise club, outlining the eight key elements of achampionship training plan for developing and maintaining an exceptionalgroup fitness program.

Among topics covered:
  • Trends in the fitness industry
  • Latest trends in group fitness
  • Group fitness is a weapon to win the retention and price war
  • Create a scorecard
  • Maximize your timetable
  • Recruit world-class instructors, and keep them!
  • Organize great instructor training
  • Develop the best studio you can afford
  • Create a group-fitness marketing plan
  • Planning and budgeting <