Laws of Attracting the Inactive Population

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Now: $27.50
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Nicki Anderson
79 minutes
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Too many trainers assume that personal training will appeal to all populations, but, in reality,that's not the case. Trainers need to understand the difference between the inactive populationversus those individuals who come by exercise naturally. Laws of Attracting the InactivePopulation examines the most common reasons this population shies away from health clubsand exercise. The DVD is designed to teach trainers how to better understand the inactivemindset and how to motivate them to become active and eventually become a great referralsource. The DVD also details the basic factors involved in the F.A.C.E. (Fundamental Approachto Client Excellence) system. The DVD emphasizes the fact that in order to provide greatservice, trainers have to know and understand their clients.

Among the topics covered:
  • Understanding the inactive client
  • Fundamental approach to client excellence (F.A.C.E.)
  • The 5 Cs
  • Attraction and retention
  • Resources