MSK Ultrasound: Clinically Valid or Just Plain Fun?

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John Hatzenbuehler, Erik S. Adams, John C. Hill
46 minutes
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MSK Ultrasound: Clinically Valid or Just Plain Fun?features a panel of leading sports medicinephysicians who discuss the difference between ultrasound-guided injections and palpationguidedinjections in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and injuries. TheDVD also provides an overview of research comparing accuracy rates for each of the two typesof injection methods. In addition, the DVD explains why ultrasound needle guidance is superiorto palpatory guidance in various joints.

Among the topics covered:
  • Introduction (John Hatzenbeuhler)
  • Ultrasound guidance of injections: I`m going to say just plain fun (Erik Adams)
  • Palpation guidance vs. ultrasound guidance: what does the literature say?
  • I don`t mean to sound rude, but this isn`t as easy as it looks
  • Are factors other than accuracy also important?
  • Inconceivable to think palpatory guidance is as good as ultrasound needle guidance (John Hill)
  • Efficacy: the painful shoulder
  • Diagnostic MSK ultrasound
  • Shoulder pain 33 y/o male
  • Lateral elbow pain 36 y/o strong man
  • Shoulder pain: fatty degeneration
  • Diagnostic use of MSK ultrasound, again, I`m going to say just plain fun (Erik Adams)
  • Diagnostic accuracy
  • Ultrasound consensus conference