Physical Activity: The Ponce De Leon Elixer for Health and Function

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Now: $27.50
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Steven N. Blair
34 minutes
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Physical Activity: The Ponce De Leon Elixer for Health and Function offers a compelling overview of one of the biggest health issues facing the United States- energy balance. Featuring the Paffenbarger Tutorial Lecture from the 2012 ACSM annual meeting, the DVD explains why energy balance is an important matter of concern, as well as points out the current trends in energy expenditure. The DVD argues that compared to physical activity, diet and obesity receive too much attention. The DVD also discusses a major research undertaking (The Energy Balance Project) that is currently underway that is investigating the factors that are driving weight change.

Among the topics covered:

• Health care in the United States
• Healthy eating and active living (HEAL)
• Benefits of walking daily
• Walking to treat depression
• Getting patients to walk
• The total health framework