Training for the Sport of Motherhoodâ„¢

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Ilene Bergelson
59 minutes
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Mothers participate in an activity and recover from an event that is like NO other. Training forthe Sport of Motherhood™ reviews the major physiological factors of the pregnant andpostpartum client, system by system. The DVD clarifies the scope of practice and professionallyresponsible trainer when working with prenatal and postpartum women, as well as outlinesessential contraindications and current ACOG guidelines. The DVD also examines the finerpoints of specific breathing techniques, pelvic floor, and core conditioning. In addition, the DVDexplores the program-design opportunities associated with pregnancy, including all of thecreative demands of sport-specific and post-rehab training.

Among the topics covered:
  • The power of hormones
  • Weight gain and morning sickness
  • What can we do?
  • ACOG guidelines
  • Guidelines for group exercise
  • Training essentials
  • Programming
  • Capitalizing on know-how
Produced in cooperation with the ECA World Fitness Alliance.