Raising the Bar: Fitness & Movement Exercises for Youth and Adults With Autism

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Suzanne Moore Gray
34 minutes
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It is not uncommon for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders to have a less-than-desirable level of fitness, motor function, and movement skills. Raising the Bar: Fitness & Movement Exercises for Youth and Adults With Autism features a series of developmental activities and exercises that can be used to enhance these attributes in youth and adults with autism. As an integral part of the fitness, sport, and wellness programs of Right Fit, a Willowbrook, Illinois-based company, each activity/exercise is explained and demonstrated in an easy-to-understand manner. The DVD is designed as a resource for individuals who want to “raise the bar” for youth and adults with autism.

Among the topics covered:

• Raise the Bar©
• Hurdle drill step-over forward
• Breathing exercises
• Cone drill zig zag
• Basic posture and stretch
• Strength and movement exercises
• Marches
• Medicine-ball bench squat
• Cardio and motor exercises
• Band rows
• Feet apart and cross
• Slider forward push
• Ladder drill hops
• Battling ropes