Upper-Body Power for Hockey Performance

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Now: $27.50
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Peter Twist
65 minutes
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An athlete`s body should be viewed as a linked chain. From head to foot, hockey players are only as strong as their weakest link. As such, upper-body lifting must integrate the core and legs to transfer power to on-ice action. Upper-Body Power for Hockey Performance presents a detailed review of what hockey players should do to develop their upper bodies, including sequential muscle firing and full-body, multi-joint power initiation. The end result is not just strength in the weight room, but being stronger in a standing position on-ice. The DVD features a series of exercises that are designed to transfer directly to hockey skills, including puck protection, body checking, shooting, fighting through checks, and offensive creativity.

Among the topics covered:
  • Commonalities for hockey lifting
  • Chest exercises
  • Back exercises
  • Shoulder exercises
  • Arm exercises
Produced in cooperation with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.